Head Boy 2025

Cowan Scotton





My name is Cowan Scotton, and it is both a privilege and a great honour to be the Head Boy of Hastings Boys’ High School for 2025. 

When I think back to just a few years ago, it feels surreal to be in this position. If you had told me a few years ago when I laid my first steps at Hastings Boys’ High School, that I would have the opportunity to lead Hastings Boys’ High School, I would have never imagined it.

I was born in Durban, South Africa, but spent most of my years in Cape Town. However, in 2016, my family and I made the big move from South Africa to right here in Hawke’s Bay. Moving was no easy feat; it was daunting. However, it did teach me that “Home is where you make it.”  That then led to me attending both Raureka Primary School and Heretaunga Intermediate. Both of which I am a proud old boy.

Now, I am proud to say that I am a part of Hastings Boys’ High School. A place that has truly become my second home. Over the years, this Kura with its rich history and tradition has nurtured me into the young Ākina Man I am today. The countless experiences I have had here whether it is sport, debating or many other great opportunities in the classroom, all have helped to form who I am today. I’ve come to realize that it is the brotherhood we have at Hastings Boys’ High School that makes this all so special and meaningful, it makes every challenge conquerable.

None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for the two people who worked tirelessly to ensure I had every opportunity under the sun. They made countless sacrifices just to give me every opportunity to succeed. I cannot thank my parents enough. They’ve shown me what it means to work hard but most importantly they have shown me what leadership is and how to use it to help others.

There’s a quote by the late, great Nelson Mandela that has always resonated with me, “Lead from the back — and let others believe they are in front.”  To me that’s what is most important about leadership, it’s about inspiring others to believe in themselves, and through this, helping them achieve more than what they thought was possible.

This year we have made some exciting changes at Hastings Boys’ High School. We have introduced new roles for each of our prefects. Each of whom will lead their own committees, allowing for more student engagement in every aspect of the school. I am genuinely excited to see what each prefect can achieve this year. I know they will strive for greatness, like they always have, and will help make this year one for the history books. 

Four Feathers to the Dky, Ākina till I die!

Cowan Scotton

Head Boy 2025