Hastings Boys’ High School is a digital school. This means that most of our lessons involve using a device. This could be in the form of accessing resources required to engage in lessons, or work completion itself carried out on a digital application (Education Perfect, Hapara etc). As such, all students will be required to bring an appropriate device to school to help with learning not only in the classroom, but at home for homework and assessment completion.
We encourage you to buy a product that includes the features listed below to ensure your son has the greatest possible access to the educational resources that will support and enhance his learning. You might wish to take the list below into the store and ask the salesperson if the device you are considering meets these specifications.
Recommended Specifications for Student Devices:
- Wireless networking capability using 802.11n or 802.11 ac compliant.
- Preferably a screen 14” or larger.
- An on screen or external keyboard or other means of entering text.
- An audio out-port and earbuds or headphones.
- A minimum of 8 hours of use from one battery charge.
- The ability to run a full functioning, current web browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge).
- Virus protection programme (for computers running a Windows or Mac operating system).
Please note that cell phones are not permitted at school and are not considered to be appropriate mobile devices.
A Chromebook will meet the needs of most students, however the preferable option would be an entry level Windows laptop. These can be purchased for approximately $400-$500 from retail outlets in Hastings such as Harvey Norman, Noel Leeming etc.
Software: Access to the Google suite of products and Microsoft 365 can be arranged through the school at no cost. Microsoft 365 can be downloaded at no cost to a Windows device.
Bags: We highly recommend purchasing a hard shell to protect the device from damage.
The school will be able to provide a used device (and charger) for those students who do not have them. A fee of $15.00 will be charged on a per term basis for the use of these devices. These devices are expected to be returned in the same condition in which they were given. While these devices will be functional, they will be slower than a new device and therefore we recommend buying a new device if at all possible.
Please email paoffice@hastingsboys.school.nz with any questions.