School Uniform and General Appearance

Personal Appearance


​​​​​​​Can be purchased from The U Shop at 2/304 Eastbourne Street West, Hastings.  
Students are to wear the correct school uniform at all times.  
If for any reason a student is out of school uniform, he must have a note of explanation signed by a Deputy Principal or Dean.  
​​​​​​​Boys may be removed from mainstream classes if they do not meet school uniform and appearance regulations.

Shirt - Short sleeve sky blue with school crest.
(Note that only year 13 students can wear long sleeve shirts).

Shorts - Navy shorts with school crest.

Sandals - Brown or black which must have a back strap.

Shoes - Black leather dress shoes with regulation school socks.  No boots of any kind.  No suede.  Students must be in closed black leather shoes for Technology classes.

Jersey - (optional) - midnight navy with single red band and drop shoulder with school crest.

Jacket - The school ONLY HAS TWO regulation school jackets.  1. Georgia Jacket.  2. Stadium jacket. No other form of jacket, hoody, sweatshirt or outerwear is permitted.  School sports/cultural jackets, shells, pullovers are not to be worn as school uniform.
Grey trousers, long sleeved shirts and ties can ONLY be worn by Year 13 students.


All uniform shall be kept clean, tidy and in good repair and worn correctly at all times.  If for any reason a student is out of school uniform, he must have a note of explanation signed by a Deputy Principal or a Dean.  Shoes or sandals need to be kept clean and polished and in a good state of repair.  T-shirts, skivvies, skins and compression gear or singlets are not to be worn if they show above the shirt front or sleeve.

With exception of a wrist watch and if required, a medical bracelet NO OTHER JEWELLERY IS TO BE WORN.  This includes rings, ear studs, earrings, bracelets, anklets and necklaces.  Visible body piercing is not acceptable at this school.  Confiscated jewellery will be placed in safe custody and is to be picked up by the student or parent at an agreed time.


A student’s hair needs to be clean and short enough to ensure it does not touch his shirt collar.  Hair should not be long enough to be tied up in any form.  The student’s fringe should be short enough to ensure hair is kept out of his eyes when combed straight down.  Natural hair colour must be maintained (no dyed hair) and extreme hairstyles including but not restricted to mohawk, mullett, shaved patterns, dreadlocks, rats tails, undercuts are not permitted.  Sideburns must not extend beyond the earlobe.  Hair is not allowed to be tied up on top of or behind the head.  This includes sports teams and cultural groups.

All students are to be clean shaven at all times including school trips.