Attendance and Absences

If your son is going to be absent then please let us know as soon as possible.

Students must be at school on time and MUST attend all classes.  Students who do not maintain 80% attendance can be withdrawn from sport or culture activities.

Absences and Late to School 
If it is known a student is going to be absent, the parent/caregiver can either:

  1. Phone the school (873 0414)
  2. email
  3. Text 027 385 3033
  4. Use the "absentee" button on the School App
  5. Provide a written note, dated and signed by the parent/caregiver with a phone number giving the student's name and reason for absence or lateness

Late to School
School commences at 8:30am each school day and a warning bell will be rung at 8:25am (Thursdays school starts at 8:50am).  If a student arrives after 8:30am he is to report to the Student Centre and sign in 
(also ensuring one of the 5 steps above has been taken). If neither of these are received the student will be given an after-school detention.

Student Centre Manager - Mrs Sharyn Heibner

Attendance Officer - Mr Peleti Oli