Board of Trustees

Mr G Massingham (Chairman) Degree in Bachelor of Science with honours.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​M.P. Summerfield (Headmaster) MSSL (Dist.), B.Sc., Dip. Tchg., PG. Cert. DCL

​​​​​​​Mrs T. Henare

​​​​​​​Mrs R. Pope

Mr E. Scotton

Mr S. Kereti

Mr J. Hall (Secretary)

Mr A. Crawford  (Staff Representative)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Brayden Reeve (Student Representitive from October 2023)

Board of Trustees Contact

Upcoming Meetings:
18 June 2024
16 July 2024
20 August 2024
17 September 2024
15 October 2024
19 November 2024
​​​​​​​17 December 2024